Friday, April 23, 2010


Eee~ lama suda sy nda update ohh kan... Malas suda sy... Huhuhuhuhuh....

Sory Mr.Bloggie... I didn't update u for so long already... Huhuhu.. What to do lar... My life as sucks as a crap! Hehehehehe!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

My life is so...B.O.R.I.N.G~?

My life is obviously, B.O.R.I.N.G...

I listed out my daily routine di bawahh... Pandai2 lah kamu judge, boring atau tidak.. heheheh~

My daily routines are shown by the following equation..

Sleep + Eat + Kerja + Kerja + Kerja = Boring + Penat x[Stress + Boring]

Conclusion is, BORING~!! GRRRRRR~!!!!

Nothing else to do already!! Work work work...Mau enjoy pun susah.. Hehehehe~~

Nda pa la.. Sy xda hak mau merungut, sy kerja utk future sy ba.. Mau urus further studies lagi.. Nda pa, sy tahan saja la... Huhuhu...


Haiyerr... So boredd... Huhuhhu.. A day is not enough.. I want to enjoy and relax for whole weeks, if possible! XD

Hmmm~ I hope this coming 12th-15th April i can take cuti to go to Labuan... Huhuhu~

To be honest, really really honest, i never went to LABUAN, even ONCE!!

Wakakakaka~ Naik ferry pun inda pernah... Haizz.. See, my life.. BORING.. Suckss.. ARGHHH~~

Walao ehh... Loco liao me.. xD

And my sister will be back to Sabah this 15th April from labuan.. Hahaha~

Bha, sepa mau kirim choc, sila maklumkan kepada sy dinombor yg tertera di bawah...



Sepa mau bawa jalan also can inform me.. Hehe~!!!!