Wednesday, March 31, 2010

KOREA KOREA!! Hohoho!!

I want to go to Korea!! South Korea, not the North Korea, the communist side.. Huhu!!

I want to meet with the SNSD!! WooHoo~~!!

SeoHyun! Wahahahaha~~

Rachel Eve Clarence! Kureng ko arh dapat p Korea lagi awal dari sa.. HuhuhU~!

Klu ko jumpa SeoHyun, bilang sy ckp hi ok? Ahahahaha~!!

Monday, March 29, 2010


Hahaha! I'm so delighted! Finally, it rained heavily! Woohoo~

Its been decade since i last experiencing rain! Hahaha! Sorry for exaggerating things, not decade actually, but for only MONTHS! I can see dried and cracked land anywhere..

Poor mother Earth.. Those green grasses turned brownish during the long drought season... I hope the rain we're experiencing now is the omen to a better weather and season condition in the future!

Maybe it is the pure blessing before Easter Day! Hahaha! I hope so... Hee~!!

Thank you Lord for answering our little prayer! Amen!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

What a day...

The story begin like this..

Yesterday is the day that really, errr, i don't know how to explain, but many things happened yesterday.. Huhu

1stly, I did not go to work yesterday because of a simple reason, MALAS! Why? My job is too stressful and boring.. How i wish i could stop working there as soon as possible.. Those pains and stresses are unbearable.. Normal staff mungkin sudah tidak tahan and run from this workplace after 2 weeks of working, maybe.. Apa tidak, ada2 seja yg berlaku setiap hari.. Nasib baik sy bukan girls, i did not experience menstruation, klau x, nda sy tau apa jadi sama ni kedai.. Bikin panas ba... Temper nopo hari2.... Huhuhuhu... Temper + PMS + Over-produced certain hormones = Disaster!
Urgghhh.. Nasib baik me ada tu temper seja...

And yesterday also, my friend kena pecat from his job.. Why? Bullshit reason from the so-called Boss!! I think our boss is just plain stupid.. Why again? Because I said to him that i want to stop working there, but he x bagi, nda cukup staff konon... But senang2 saja he want to pecat orang... Nda kah bodo sy bilang.. Sudah lah he langsung x investigate apa2.. Tu lah, Pendidikan Moral dia entah dapat grade apa time school... Pemikiran nda rasional btul.. Ahh.. I don't care liao... Malas mau cakap... GRRRR~~!!

Last night, consider yesterday also, me, Acai, Olin, Eric, Onel and Manraj went to lepak2 at lintas.... Nothing better to do than went to Yoyo Cafe at Lintas... We ordered drinks and we played Pearl War, if u know what i mean... We main mcm paintball, using those pearls dalam minuman and a piece of straw... Haha.. Jadi kotor bha tu kedai gara2 perbuatan kami... Hwahahaha.. Went to Magellan at Sutera Harbour just to pee... Hahhahaa.. Minta puji kan us? Pastu we went back to Lintas, dis time at Frenz Cafe.. Hohoho.. We bla3 there, and about 12 pm liddat, we went home.. Actually there are lots of things happened yesterday, but if i post it here, i think it will be too long for y'all to read it... Huhuhu..

Ok, today's story...

Woke up early, 5.45am... Why?
Chu Ting bawa jogging at Tanjung Aru beach.. Masih lugai2 lagi me time bangun that cuz i sleep jam 3am ba... 2 jam 45 minutes jak me sleep.. Hahhaa, pastu me kasih bangun Acai and Olin... Hwahahah.. Pastu, kasih pendek la cerita, sampai suda di tanjung aru... Tapi, bukan kami jog pun... Jalan2 ja... Budu ni.. Hhahaa, cakap mau jog...

We walked together along the shore, and we found numerous weird stuffs... Example, dead jellyfish if im not mistaken... Hahaha, wait, here's one... I took dis pic to show y'all whether it is a jellyfish carcass or not... To be honest, this is the first time i ever saw jellyfish! Hahahaha! So, sakai la kami.. hehehe!

This is what its look like...

Hoho, weird though... Kinda hard suda the so-called jellyfish cuz maybe lama suda dia matai kan.. Hahhahaa... I thought it suppose to be plastic-like creature.. Hehehe... And we also saw a dead starfishh... Huhu.. Kesian si Patrick, mati suda... Kawan sy tue.. Hahhaa.. If u know what i mean.. xD

After that, we went for our brunch at KFC yg entah mana sudah tue... Depan GSC tu ba.. xkan nda taw.. Hahaha... Pastu kami p lawat si Eric yg masih tidur lagi, pastu balik rumah.... Sampai jak di rumah, sy mandi trus modop balik... The End!

Hahhaa, not yet!! Tadi sy pegi kerja, and well you know what happened here... More money disappearing! LOL! MALAS OH!! BUDU OH SEPA YG CURI OR WATSOEVER THE MONEY!!!!

GO DIE LAH LAGI BAGUS! Hahahaha! See, i mengencang sudah... Ok la... Get ready for the Earth Hour! I love u Mother Earth, and y'all too, my blog readers! Wee~!

Lotsa love for y'all! Muax muax! XD

Thursday, March 25, 2010

25th March

I went home from work jam 6am tadi.. Haha.. That's why i didn't sleep last night.. Hehehe..

On my way back home kan, i heard mcm suara orang bercakap ni ba.. Masa tu, baru jam 5.30am tue... Sy tingu la di belakang... Ada orang tunggang motor sambil berkumat kamit, sy inda tau lah what he was mumbling about.. Err, not mumbling actually, because the person say it loudly.. Tapi bikin takut ohh, suda lah kepala dia pusing2 entah kenapa... Spastic kali tu orang... Eee....

Sy ingat kena rasuk ni bahh... Nasib baik tu orang inda tingu sy.. Gila.. Hahhaa..
Reached home, i went to sleep immediately, so sleepy waa i tell u... But it didn't last long.. Sy terbangun disebabkan olehh Russell yg keep on sms'ing me tadi pagi... Kurang asam btul, sy dapat tidur 3 jam seja ohh.. Tapi pelik ni i x sleepy pun sekarang.. Hahaha, my hormone contains naturally-produced caffeine.. Hehehe.. Arh, apa craps lagi sy cakap ni?? Bgus kalau Biology sy dapat A... Sienz...

Nvm lah that.. Oh ya, the reason Russell x henti2 sms sy, pasal itu edu fair di mana sudahh tue.. Sy inda taw nama, tapi ada lah.. dekat2 Likas Square... Sudah lah habis banyak duit tadi gara2 pegi sana guna teksi.. Aduiihh..

Sampai ja sana, trus sy p cari aircond, besa la... Panas jorr.. Jadi hitam sy klu lama2 exposed to sunlight.. Hohoho.. Minta puji ni ba.. And and, wee~!

Ada satu orang kakak ni, early 20's if Im not mistaken, she said i got beautiful eyes! Oh ma Gawd! At 1st i didn't hear what she said, then Russell told me that she said my eyes = BEAUTIFUL! Hahaha, jangan jeles arhh.. Mata sia mmg mengancamm.. Hahaha... Nda percaya, kmu tnya lah si Russell.. Nehhh~!

Haiya, malas sy mau explain banyak pasal tue edu fair.. Kamu tau juga kan mcm mana keadaan sana.... Hehehehe! So, lets move on bebeh~

After that, we went for futsal at Suria, Jesselton Point... Seperti biasa, bila mana sahaja sy main futsal, perkara lazim berlaku ialah, i got scratches all over my legs... Hahahaha, and worse, this is the first time my leg cramped during the play... Adui.. Malu ohh sa... Ketara la noob.. Hehehe.. Nda pa noob, yg pnting menang.. Hahaha.. Ui, kamu nda boring ba kan baca post sy ni?

Sy takut kamu boring ba... Huhuhu..

Eee, ba sy tau ba kamu boring.. So, sy stop lorhh.. Huhuhu..

Insomniac ! :O

Yerh! Can't even sleep ohh... Huhuhu!

See lah the time I posted this... Haiyo.... Later want play futsal again, jgn tertidur at Suria sudah lahh... Haiz....


Whatever.. :D

Hello Blog! It's me again, hohoho! Nah, awal2 lagi craps suda...

Ok tadi i go itu education fair di sana dkat Likas Square... Actually tidak sempat pegi ba... Reached there jam 4.40 already... Many yg balik suda... Yerhh... The reason we're late? 1st i go to school 1st, sy kira mau ambik sa pnya sijil kokum... Sekali tingu, dorang salah taip lagi... Huhuhuhu...

Susah sangat kah mau print itu barang carefully?? Huhuhu.. Bukan juga banyak pun... If banyak nda pa la... Haduihh.. TERpaksa lah me go school again dis Friday bha... So dulin owhhhh! Huhuhu... Buang "masa itu emas" saya seja ba... Bukan itu seja, kami sesat lagi tadi ba time mau pegi itu edu fair... Kami ingat di yayasan sabah... Sekali, di anu ba pula, likas square... Kurang asam btul... Nasib baik guna kereta...

Nda pa lahh... Sy bising2 sekarang pun bukan boleh dapat juga sekarang.... Heee~! Sorry arhhh... sy ni kadang bikin panas dan cerewet... Kadang2 mcm kamu mau tampar jak sy ni... Wakakakakaa.... Apa inda, mcm prangai kadang2 macam taik... Hahhahaa!

Anu ba, tadi ni, time on the way pegi itu edu fair, sy nmpk itu rumput along the road suma jadi kuning... Pnya sedihh ni baa sy tingu... Terlmpau panas suda suhu persekitaran... Jadi kering suda itu grass yg spatutnya hijau sebelum ini....

No wonder la banyak kejadian kebakaran secara random berlaku sejak akhir2 ini... Aduii.... Ada lagi ganas, ada satu ba tue.. nda tau apa nama dia... dulu berair, sekarang, astaga... Kering kontang jo.... Heran juga saya ni.... Napa ndak pandai hujan suda owhh? Kesian ini bumi menderita... Huhuhu... I know talk only, but i never do something to change it... Aishehh.... We should kerjasama ba to take care of our Mother Earth.... Takkan sia satu urang... Mataii juga... Hahahaha...

Sekarang sy stress suda ni pasal kerja sy... There's a crisis that melanda my work place... Aduiii... Itu money ba, di drawer.. Everytime end shift, mesti kurang punya... Entah ada toyol kali ni kedai... Ataupun toyol in form of manusia... I don't know how to say liao.... That day me and Russell Pierce Dominic already covered the shortage of money in the drawer, sekali besok2, balik lagi tu masalahh.. Pnya main sandi sy bilangg... Haizzz... Ini la yg membuatkan sy hilang mood mau kerja, ya lahhh, ko inda hilang mood p kerja la klau hari2 duit ko terbang??? Orang p kerja to earn money, not to lose it, right? Huhuhu.... I duno who did dis, but hope it'll be revealed soon.... Nda payah kami suffer mau cover balik2 itu short...

Hahahaha, btw, my head stil benjol... Sakit juga la.. Hahaha.. Tu lah, kotohh kan sy kasih main2 makanan.... Sorry Mr and Mrs Sardine... Next time i wont baling2 u lagi, Hehehehe...

Hmmm... Later ada futsal lagi jam 3pm... But before that i want to go to the edu fair, which i missed today... Heee~!

I can't wait for futsal!! Long time no play already! WooHoo~!


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Siou.. :(

Last night my kepala benjol dis.. I was playing with tin sardin ba tue.. Sy humban2 lah dia...

Sekali mistake, nda dapat sambut, landing bha itu tin di kepala sy...

Cilaka pnya sardin.. Masih luka lagi ohh my kepala... Huhu...

Hahaha, nda payah lah baca ni.. Craps... Wakakaka.. Baru bangun kan, so belum ada cerita lagi... Hwhahahhaa... Nanti2 lah kio! xD

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

yesterday ss-ing! xD

Haha! Terlampau boring ordy kan, me and Russell ss-ing ni yesterday! Oh mo! Haha! Sy taw ba bida.. Saja2 upload, mau update blog.. Hehehehe!

Selamat memuntahkan diri anda! Hahahhaa!

P/s : Uinah, kamu TERlmpau cantik suda kah mau muntah2 arh?! Klu cantik tidak apa.. Aisheh.. JK! xD


Huhu.. I am so blurred out right now.. All because of scholarship thing.. Nevermind lah.. I just apply all, and wait only la.. Malas ady want fikir too many.. Sakit kepala ja.. Huhuhu.. Engineering or dentistry, anything will do... Daripada tiada apa2, kan? xD

Okok, there's nothing to be worried about, aight? Hehehe.. Oh ya, last nite, err, tadi pagi jam 2, sy ada tingu tu "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader" bah... Kamu rasa ba, dorang btul2 dapat duit kah tu? Pnya senang soalan dia... Tapi ndak juga dorang dapat jawab ba... Gila oh.. And no one ever won a million dolar yet... takkan suma orang America not smarter than a fifth grader? Oh my.. Bagus sy pegi tukar nationality oh pegi join tu barang... Free2 dapat 1 Million, as if.. Hehehe!

And you know what, i MISS studying.. Haizz.. I miss school and i miss all! I just wanna continue studying.. Huhuhuhu.. Walaupun boring2 juga study, but better than now.. Teda buat apa2, mcm buduh ni ba.. Cepat lah masa berlalu... I want to get back to study as soon as possible.. I don't wanna waste my time loitering.. Huhuhu!

Sounds like craps yeah? I know, but that's the truth, peoples.. Hee~!

And yeah, my tongue luka ni bah because last nite i ate too much Skittles! Huhu, u know kah what that is? Hehe, here's one...

Skittles yg bikin my lidah luka.. Hwahaha!

Ok lahh.. Now i want to play dota dulu.. Hehe!

Monday, March 22, 2010


Yeah! It's finally raining here at my place! Wee~! I'm so relieved to see the ground being wet by the raindrops.. Hahaha! And, exactly last night, I told Nicole Justin that today the rain will fall.. Amazingly, it do occurred! Hohoho!

So glad that our scorching Earth finally get some moisture after months of dry season! Hee~! Sy happy ba klu hujan, nda payah la sy hari2 siram bunga nenek sa! Wakakaka!

Tapi drizzling saja ni tu rain... tidak puas hati ohh... Although I'm grateful.. Hehehe! Kan bagus kalau di sini turun salji.. Jadi orang korea kita ramai2.. wahahaha!

Astaga.. What the heck am i talking about? Sot suda sy pasal hujan... Huhuhu!

You can see how happy this person was when it is raining! Haha! Am i as happy as him, i don't really know.. What i know is I'm relieved! xD


Huhu! Yeah, as the title suggested, BORING!

So, i decided to play Call of Duty 4 : Modern Warfare 2! Hohoho!

The so-called CoD4 : MW2

Sorry Sorry! :(

Yerr! I forgotten to update my blog yesterday! I'm so sorry my bloggy.. Huhuhu! I abandoned you yesterday! Haha! Teteda ni bahh!

Too busy ba yesterday, that's why i didn't have the chance to update my blog.. Hoho, its ok ba, i'll update it NOW!

Yesterday, i wake up jam brapa suda tu, err, oh ya, 8.30am ba tu.. And, again, i DID NOT go to CHURCH! Oh my... What happened to me.. I abandoned religious thing for my jobs... Haiz.. Almost FIVE months already i didn't go to church! Huhu, i missed holy communions too many times already! Huhu, bertimbun suda dosa sy ni Boss... adedei... I'm sorry Lord for i have sinned.. Huhuuhuhu!

Okayy, next.. Yesterday was SO BORING! Why, i don't know actually... But really, it was BORING! Huhuhu! From 9am until 6pm, masa itu juga la yg paling boring ohh.. huhuhu! And then, yesterday sia pegi makan KFC ni.. hahaha! And, what syok is, i paid cheaper for something that suppose to be more expensive than what i have paid.. Wakaka! So syok ni sy makan satu orang.. Huahuahua!!

Then again, last night i watched Man United vs Liverpool live on ESPN... And hell yeah! Man Utd was victorious! They beaten Liverpool 2-1! Hoho! Thanks to goal from Wayne Rooney and Park Ji Sung! Hoho! But Park's goal sealed the match! Hoho! Thank you Park! We love you! XD

Here he is! The hero!

Okay, enough with it.. Sia takut kmurang boring baca ba, pasal bola nopo! hahaha! And last night after the match ended, err, midnight to b exact, i took shower, twice!
Why? Because terlampau panas sudah ba semalam! Berpeluh2 ni bah sy tgk bola! Haha! Haiyer, so poor oh our Earth nowadays... Huhu, O Lord, please do have mercy on us.. Save us from this scorching Earth! Huhuhu!

Lepas sy suda mandi kan, sy pg makan Roti pound.. Ko tau kah apa tu? Bread ba, haha! Ko bayangkan betapa kuat sy makan, tapi nda pndai gemuk? Cacat kah sy ni? Haha! And talking about gemuk, I discovered that i GAINED 4 kilos already! But still, my weight is only 64 kilos now.. Im still underweight according to the BMI! Hahaha! Wow, amazing huh? 4 kilos in 6 months? xD

Okayy, sy tau kamu boring suda kan? Ba sy stop la ba.. Huhuhu! Mentang2 blog kamu siok... Huhuhuhuhuhu!! :'(

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Haha! I know its late at night! [Actually its morning already!] :O
but i just feel like sharing something with y'all...

OK, I'll post it chronologically.. 1stly, I am still with these scholarships thingy.. I wonder why i can't get these stuffs outta my head.. Am i nervous and afraid that all my requests will get rejected?? Huhu... I just want to have a bright future, so that I'll be a rich and errr, what do people said berkerjaya in english? Hehehe, my brain kinda rusty, well, you know... :)

And i think as for now, I would choose dentistry instead of engineering... Why? Because i LOVE Biology so muchh! And being a doctor is my ambition since i was a child.. Hehehe! And also, they said become a dentist will gain more money faster, meaning, easy to get rich! Mwahahahah! [Apa lagi, pergi la kamu makan gula-gula banyak-banyak supaya gigi kamu rosak, then go see me so that I'll get rich easier! Just kidding!] But, but, that's not my real intention to be a dentist.. I wanted to help people with bad teeth, to repair their teeth so that they'll live happier! Hohoho!

I have this one friend, old friend to be exact, we used to be a classmate during our primary school.. His name is Johnnel Tsen Kui Wai [ not real name ] hehe, claimed himself got 9As in his SPM.. Not that i wanted to underestimate him, but I think he's lying about his result.. Why? Because, do you think its logic to lost enthusiasm in study if he really got 9As in his SPM? This is what he said to me..

"I don't think i want to continue to study... I am too tired with all these stuffs, i just need to have rest, to enjoy.. I'm totally tired, you know"

Then I replied, "Why do you think like that? Do you even think about your future? Why don't you try applying for scholarship?"

He replied, "I'm happy with my life now, and I do think about my future. But i still don't want to study"

I replied again, "Sure, as u said so.. Just don't regret in the future, pal"

He then replied, arrogantly, "Yes, I won't regret, so you better shut up!"

I was like, stunned... I'm trying to help him, giving him good advices, then all i get in return is to shut up? Oh My... What's wrong with this world today?

Never mind la, that's his life, not mine.. All i can do as a friend is to pray for him so that he'll get better life.. Huhu..

And you, yeah you Mrs Geraldine Una Jetony, haha.. Me too hate the feeling of losing to someone, especially someone who are closed to me, example, my friends, including you, Ged! Hahahaa.. I like being a competitive person.. TeeHee~!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Saturday! :)

Hmm, how may i begin?
Ok today, [Saturday, 20/3/2010] is my off-duty.. So, i ambil kesempatan ini untuk tidur brabis cuz im too tired lately, always lack of sleep.. My biological clock also wrong timing suda with the world clock! Hahaha!

I woke up at about 11.20am tue, as my alarm clock suggested.. Hehe!
Then, i go mandi watsoever la cuz i want to go to KK to jalan2... Boring ba at house... Tidur saja me tau... Tidak lama jadi babi ni.. Hahaha!

Tadi sy jalan sma si Edith, sbb dia janji mau blanja makan kan.. Sepa suruhh dia.. Hahaha.. Pastu kmi p watch itu movie "Remember Me", yg dilakonkan oleh R'Pattz! Hoho!
Guess wat, i think the movie was BORING! I dont understand the jalan cerita ba... So confusing ni ba! Aduii! Hahaha!

Time mau ending tu jak yg ada sadist ckit.. Sedih juga la.. Sbb si Tyler [Robert Pattinson] die because of the 9/11 tragedy.. Do u know what is the 9/11 tragedy? Alah, yg bangunan kna langgar oleh kapal tarabang tu ba... World Trade Centre kunun.. Hahhahaa.. Ber la tue.. Tidak syok.. Rugi tgk.. Hehehehe!

Eeee! i want eat KFC ohh!! I want, i want! Hahaha! Mcm sissy jor cara sy type tadi.. "i want, i want!"... YUCKSS!

What again arh?? Oh ya, Geraldine Una! Hahaha.. Why u think of that ohh? Lawakk oh u! Truly! Hahahaa! Nevermind la... I duno ordy what to post.. Hehehe..

Nahh.. tomorrow nite Manchester United vs Liverpool! GO GO Man Utd!

GLORY2 Man United!!

Ok la, i want ciao liao...



Friday, March 19, 2010


Yeepee! I got my Yayasan Sabah Scholarship Application Form already! Wee~!
I've been waiting for so long! [Padahal baru 4 hari ni ba!]
Haha! Thanks to Gwen, and Grazele! Hoho! Just now i met Gwen at Burger King Damai, just to take that form.. So kasian ni her.. Hehehe, sorry arh i kasih susah y'all!

And, scholarship again.. Just now Nicole[Nicole Justin], introduce to me JPA Sabah's scholarship... And it is so hard and complicated to fill in, so i decided to ask for Nicole's help to fill in for me! Thanks Nic! I owe you 1! Muax muax! xD

Hmm.. This Monday pula i have to go to school to take my co-curriculum certificate.. Before this there are lots of spelling error, including my name.. my name spelled as Joener Rodnguez.. I was like, what the heck? Rodnguez instead of Rodriguez! Grrr! So, i ask the pekerja at the pejabat am to redo it.. Hehehehe! And dis Monday also i have to help Elisa Chu Ting Wong, to ask for her GPA and CGPA for co-curriculum also, to enable her to fill up the UPU form..

Ok lah.. I go surf Facebook 1st ok! Bubye!




Huhu! Bad day for me i think... Go flu already me... Semua pasal si ERIC! Adakah dia go bersin straight to my face last night! So gross and disgusting ! Urghhh !

I suffered all night sneezing while sleeping! LOL! So un-syok ow... Haiyerr!

And er, i just woke up dis about an hour tadi... Malas ba want bangun awal, nothing to do also kan? Hehehehe! Oh ya, sy ingat mau makan KFC ba ni hari... Luckily i remembered hari ni Friday! Haha, if not, besar lah my sin ni.. Sudah la brapa lama already i didn't go to church and go to confession... Haizzz.. Im so sorry God.. I have sinned a lot... Huhu! But i'll promise i'll repent as soon as possible! huhu!

Later i need to go work again... How uncool is dat to work at night, where other peoples sleep, im workin! Lol oh... nvm, for this month only.. huhu!

Ok la.. Dats it for now.. Later i'll post again.. Hehe! Geraldine Una Jetony ba yg suruh me update blog... So, i update only lah although all the stories are craps! haha!


Thursday, March 18, 2010

More bad news to come! :O

OMG! something happened in my workplace... ada duit hilang!! not many la.. but enuff to enjoy a bit! RM50 only ba... but, bukan bnyk meh tu?
Ok... I don't know who took it... but... hmmmm.. biar la tu org... penapau betul owh! ish3... malas sa! 4 bulan sy kerja sini, 1st time berlaku hal sedemikian! Amat memalukan! [skema juga]

Hahaha! Anyway.. I want to go out oh dis saturday... But with who? Haiyo... So boring dis... huhuhuhu!

Ok la... I want to play DoTA 1st... later i post again ok?

Bubye! :)


:( Mixed Feelings :)

Haiyo... What a bad day shall i say... I lambat bangun oh tadi, so lambat lah me go to work.. Im so stressed out ni tadi.. Bcuz before dis, my Lau Pan ada cakap, sepa lambat pegi kerja kena deduct gaji by half... so im totally pissed off la... Huhuhu!

I woke up jam brapa tu arh.. Lupa suda... 9.27am kah dat.. Hmmm... I FORGOT to set my alarm ba... Adui... How frustrating... Tua suda saya ni.. Pelupa betul... Adoii! I take bath for only 5 minutes jo! I don't know bersih kah inda.. sy inda pduli suda sebab panik kan! Haha! Then i reached workplace, kna call oleh Boss! Kna "tiaw" jor! Adui... Nvm, i know, its my fault oso, ya kah?
Hahaha, tu lah... Semalam sy tidur lmbt ba.. Sempat lagi chatting with Grazele di Facebook! Hahaa!

Luckily! Sy brave enough to sms my Boss not to deduct my salary and, guess what, he ikut saja apa I cakap! Kili kan dia? Wakakakakakaka! Anyway, thanks Boss!

Ok enough with those craps! :) haiyo... i miss someone oh right now.. Not her, not her too, but another her.. Hahaha! nda pyah lah kmu tau kio.. xD

Bha, sy stop sini lah dlu... nanti boring kmurang baca blog sy.. wakakkaa! :)


helo peeps! its midnite in our country! hohooho! did i ever tell y'all dat i love midnite?? hehehehe.. the sky is just so mesmerizing with stars and moon decorating it.. hehehe! ok enough with the craps.. hahahah!

haiyo... its been 3 consecutive days I've been worrying about those scholarships thingy... kan bagus if sy kena accept to receive the scholarship I've applied.. huhu! credits goes to Geraldine Una Jetony, who helped me a LOT in this scholarship thingy.. hahaha.. Thank u Ged! :)

hmmm... actually im a bit disappointed bout my SPM result... tersasar dari target ba.. i aimed for 8As, but i only got 5As.. how frustrating.. hehe! but im grateful also la.. cuz not dat bad also kan? :)

apa lagi.. oh ya.. nowadays boring suda owh me kerja... cant free online, makan have to tanggung sendiri.. buang money owh.. and i've decided to stop working end of this month after i receive my salary! hee!

and and! i dyed my hair black again! pelik oh with black hair! hahahaha! =="

haiz.. nvm lah all those crappy thing... and now im really lost direction of my future.. i duno what course i want to take oh.. haiyerr.. i wish there's someone who will guide and gv me advices in this matter... :'(

ok la.. sy rasa panjang suda my post for now.. len kali la arh sy kongsi2 cerita.. hoho!

Nitez, peeps! :)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Im Reblogging! Haha!

yeah! im back, konon.. hahaha! old blogsite ba ni.. tapi dulu sy delete kan sbb tia tau apa mau post... hehehehe! skrg sy kasih hidup balik dia.... nda tau napa... Lol... so, utk skrg xda lah blog2 yg menarik.. hehehehee! besa la.. baru ba me.. xD see u next time peeps! XD